How to Lay Out a Bedroom for Two Kids to Share

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Sharing a bedroom is a great thing to do when you are young. Before your kids get too old to share, they may prefer to occupy the same space at night. Even if you have an only child, setting up his or her room so that a guest can be easily added is a great idea. Whether you want two siblings to share or for your child's bedroom to be sleepover-friendly for a friend, consider the follow tips to make the most of your space, your bedroom storage, your play areas and your sleeping areas.

Make Two Zones

When kids are sharing, it is best that they are able to see one another and to reassure one another at night. However, each child must be able to feel that he or she has his or her own space to call their own. Even the best behaved siblings will row from time-to-time, and this means they need to feel comfortable in their own dedicated space. Marking off a zone with a rug is a good idea since it does not create a physical barrier between the children. Alternatively, you could use a bookcase or a curtain down the middle of the room to create an informal dividing line that marks one space out from the other.

Use the Available Height

Upwards height is seldom fully used in most rooms, especially children's bedrooms where you might be tempted to keep everything at a lower height. However, upward space is there to free up floor space which can then be devoted to play. Bedroom storage options, like wardrobes and toy cupboards, should be tall and offer shelving above eye level. Not everything needs to be reached by the children in the room, after all. Store spare linen in higher locations and toys and spare clothes in lower ones, like under-bed storage systems. To generate even more space, consider bunk beds, but only if your children are old enough to sleep on them responsibly.

Add Storage

When two kids share a room, you will have twice as much stuff to fit in. Modular storage units are ideal for growing kids because they use storage containers which can be used universally. As your children mature, the containers can be repurposed to store different toys and games or be turned into clothing storage drawers as they get more clothes for school and so on. Avoid open shelves that require dusting, and don't hide away the inevitable clutter that comes with children's rooms. Closing doors on wardrobes and storage units is ideal for the end of the day when you want to clear up quickly before bedtime.
