Do You Have A Pantry Moth Infestation?

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A pantry moth infestation can wipe out your pantry supplies pretty quickly. They tend to be most active during the hotter months, and the larvae can eat through plastic packaging, so they do tend to get into everything once their numbers increase due to reproducing in your nice cosy pantry. Read on to learn how to identify them and what to do if you have them in your home.

Identifying Pantry Moths

Adult moths are around the size of a thumbnail and are light grey, but if you get close enough to one, you will notice the tips of their wings are bronze. They lay tiny white eggs in large clusters and tend to lay the eggs amongst a dry food source, such as flour. The larvae resemble small, cream-coloured caterpillars, much like the larvae of cabbage moths, and they tend to attach themselves to something high up in your pantry when it's time to pupate.

Signs Of An Infestation

Pantry moths are most active in the evening, and you'll often notice them flying around your kitchen at that time. The larvae will leave tracks in containers and packets of dry food they have been feeding on, and there's often webbing across the top of the items they are using as a food source. This webbing is an attempt to stay hidden and safe, but it's not always uniform, and you may have to look closely to see it. Additionally, you can expect to find holes in your dry food packaging and may notice crumbs or traces of dry goods on your pantry shelves or floor. If you suspect you have pantry moths, pay particular attention to packets of flour, rice, pasta and cereal.

Treating An Infestation

Getting rid of pantry moths can take some time and patience, particularly if you're not sure where the eggs are being laid. You can't simply kill off the adult moth; you must also thoroughly clean your pantry in a bid to remove the eggs and larvae. Call in a pest control company to confirm it is pantry moths you're dealing with. They will inspect your pantry and locate the site of the eggs, and they can get to work quickly using an extermination plan that will deal with pantry moths regardless of what stage in the life cycle they are at. Getting rid of pantry moths tends to require the use of strong insecticides and sometimes foggers are required in hard-to-reach places. Your pest control operative will return to your property a week or so after treating your pantry to ensure the problem is resolved.

If you'd like more information on dealing with pantry moths, contact a local pest control company.
